Doodles: Part 1

When I’m not running half marathons, volunteering in developing countries, or people watching in Paris, I dabble in the fine arts. I do dabble the doodle, if you will. Doodle dabblin’ it up. Anyway, it’s probably pretty simple to look up “art” on instagram and come across some cool stuff, but humour me, and pretend that I am the enlightening source of the talent this world offers. NOTE: I will also be including my own mediocre work because I’m an egotistical bastard and my friend Natalie says I should draw for Archie Comics (thanks Nat).

This particular work of artistic genius cannot be found on instagram because the woman who gave birth to me completed it, and is too busy with her four pomeranian dogs to be bothered with all of that. I know what you’re screaming in your bedroom right now – “What art gallery is this in?!” – well, first, calm down, and it is not in an art gallery! My mother (who only eats organic) made a gangster-like deal with the owner of a fry shack named Nico. He now pays her in free poutine for life. Which she does not eat. BUT, her pomeranian dogs do. And they all lived happily ever after, the end.
